
Equality and Diversity Progress Report.

Following the Equality Act 2010, all previous legislation is streamlined into a single Equality Duty.

The following report outlines the progress of Elangeni School against the 3 key areas identified

  1. Eliminating discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act
  • Equality and Diversity Policy adopted by Governors. Latest review May 2019
  • Behaviour Policy including Anti-Bullying updated and agreed by Governors May 2019
  • Senior staff have attended anti-bullying/e-safety conference
  • HT has attended training on Zak – spotting signs of online radicalisation and cascaded to all teaching staff.
  • Safer Internet Day celebrated across school in 2020
  • Red/Yellow card behaviour system in place
  • Rewards system to encourage positive behaviour in all classes and school locations. Positive behaviour recognised with ‘it’s good to be green’ card
  • Our pupils exhibit outstanding standards of behaviour and tolerance towards others. In a recent parental survey (2018) parents commented:

“Children are well behaved and understand and respect the rules” and “Excellent behaviour expectations which allow children to learn”

  • The Curriculum and Standards Committee is responsible for monitoring the school’s equality duty.


  1. Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • We reflect equality of opportunity in school policies and procedures.

As policies are reviewed and updated they are checked to ensure that there is no discrimination due to age, disability, gender, marital / civil partnership status, pregnancy/ maternity status, ethnicity, religion/ belief, sexual orientation.

  • Racial incidents are rare. If they occur they are recorded and reported to Governors. Rare cases to date have involved the use of perceived racist language and incidents are dealt with swiftly by the class teacher.
  • Go Givers initiative developing understanding, raising aspirations and preparing children for the wider world. Children work towards the Elangeni Citizenship Award and a Chiltern/ South Bucks wide community initiative ‘Cop Cards’
  • Consideration of the needs of pupils with SEND to enable access and inclusion to extra-curricular activities, trips, visits and the wider curriculum.
  • Assessment data is analysed according to different groups eg SEND/G&T, gender, ethnicity (when relevant), EAL and under-performers and reported to governors
  • In the 2018 parent survey, parents commented “supports inclusiveness” and “I am impressed with how the school nurtures the whole child and encourages independence, kindness, self-belief, confidence etc.”


  1. Fostering good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Themed curriculum and Theme Weeks offer a range of activities and are organised to give a variety of experiences to all year groups eg Bollywood Week
  • Visits and visitors to raise spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness including non-Christian settings
  • Weekly assemblies focused on spiritual, moral, social and cultural themes
  • Annual anti bullying week
  • Anti-bullying box and forms shared with all pupils.
  • School achieved International School Award Accreditation. Feedback noted “pupils showing a real interest in their peers’ lives including street children and refugees
  • School has links with partners in Pakistan, France and Gambia
  • All classes participate in regular “international” activities which are shared with one or other of our partner schools eg European Day of Languages
  • PSHEC/ SEAL curriculum covering issues including bullying, belonging, self and others
  • School has carried out an SMSC audit
  • RE curriculum raises awareness of different faiths and beliefs
  • Views of all members of the school are taken into consideration through regular school council meetings and regular behaviour surveys
  • Regular charity events take place each year, many initiated by pupils in aid of a range of charities.
  • Annual parental questionnaires to gain views of parents/carers. 2018 Survey notes “Positive environment which allows children to form relationships with others and encourages learning”
  • British Values including tolerance has been a focus of Assemblies and PSHEC lessons – see School Website

Alex Burns                              Frances Burke

Headteacher                           Chair of Governors
