Disabled Access Information

Elangeni School is a single story building with limited steps to the classrooms and other teaching areas. Should you require “step free” access to the building, please enter via the sloping main entrance to the school. This will enable you to access the main school hall where most of our assemblies, performances and meetings take place. There is a designated disabled parking bay in the car park to the right of the school’s entrance.

Please feel free to contact the school office on 01494 721436 if you have any further queries relating to disabled access to the school.


Accessibility - Disability Equality Objectives





Reference to other plans/policies

Planning Duty 1: Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

To provide spellcheckers and additional software and hardware to meet the needs of disabled pupils and to support those with specific learning difficulties.

Identify available products and match these with current needs of individuals. Purchase items.

Train staff and children.

Implement provision.

Children's needs to be met by the use of hardware/software and spellcheckers


All curriculum policies and schemes of work. SEN Policy, Staff Development Policy, Equal Ops.

Training for all staff on the differentiation of the curriculum

Ongoing training for staff on the differentiation of the curriculum for all pupils in Social Inclusion

Curriculum presentation and assessment is better differentiated to allow access to pupils with learning, behavioural and sensory needs


All curriculum policies, SEN policy

Differentiated resources are available

Informal subject audits to ascertain numbers and types of resources available and how they can be shared.  Additional resources purchased to fill gaps in thematic curriculum areas.

Subject audits to ascertain number and types of resources available and how they can be shared.  Additional resources purchased.


Thematic curriculum monitoring

Audit of Disabled Pupils Needs

Welfare to provide each class teacher with a list of individual needs.  Does your child wear glasses? Is your child colour blind? (Do we want to add to confidential forms?)

Staff aware of all pupil needs – audit complete


Supporting children with Medical Needs Policy, SEN Policy, Confidential Forms

To disseminate information to all staff

Disseminate this information to all relevant staff


Annually in September - a reminder to experienced and for all new staff

Supporting children with Medical Needs Policy, SEN Policy, Confidential Forms

To review best use of teaching assistants in supporting the children’s needs

Class teachers and year leaders to plan timetable taking into account the audit of needs

Teaching Assistants are supporting children’s needs

Ongoing September and January annually

SEN, Equal Ops, Bi Annual Provision Map

To increase the range of inclusive games available for playtimes and PE lessons

PE Co-ordinator to obtain inclusive resources



PE policy, Equal Ops

To ensure awareness is raised through local, national, international events

Clear links are made and assembly themes etc celebrate events involving all groups of people eg Paralympics etc

Children have an increasing knowledge of disabilities and challenges people face


Assembly themes.

Planning Duty 2: Improving the physical environment of the school

To enable fob activated door with automatic release for Year 3 sloping access.



Installation completed


To install handrails to toilets and stepped areas within school.

Specialist teaching services have advised and provided handrails.


Installation completed

SEND Statement recommendations

To alter the accessibility of toilets by changing the direction of swing on doors.

LA Contractor to alter direction of opening for doors in toilets.


Installation completed


Planning Duty 3: Improving the delivery of information to disabled pupils and parents

To enable all members of the school community with disabilities to access school information

To make written materials available in alternative formats – large font, Braille, audio.

To share orally all letters and information with children prior to going home

Written materials are made available on request.

Families with Special Needs are given oral access to all school information.

As necessary, in line with current needs of the school community.

Ongoing practice by all school staff.

See Equal Ops with regard to additional language families, SEN policy, Code of Practice

Update confidential form to include opportunity for parents to identify communication issues.

Add – Is there any other information that would help us? Do you feel there are issues with communicating with the school?

School and parents have identified any communication issues. 

These issues and solutions are shared with subsequent teachers/staff.


Confidential Forms

October 2019

Last updated: 5th August 2022

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