Parking is available for visiting staff, contractors and prearranged visitors in one of two car parks on either side of the school. You may have to open the gates to gain access and we ask that if you have to open the gates that you close them behind you. If you park in the car park to the left of the school, please ensure that you park on the tarmac on the right hand side of this area as the parking to the left is allocated to the Oaks PRU only.
If you are a parent, we ask that if at all possible you walk with your child (ren) to school. If it is necessary to drive please be respectful to our neighbors and do not park across their driveways, nor double park, allow them plenty of room to safely enter and exit their property.. Please do not stop or park on the turning circle. In order to keep the amount of traffic to a minimum near the school it maybe necessary for you to park away from the site and walk the last bit to the school.